Check Out the Differences Between Super Mario Bros. 3 in NA and Japan

by David Sanchez May 29, 2013 @ 12:50 pm

Super Mario Bros. 3

Here’s a fun little post for you eXophase readers. GoNintendo recently shared a YouTube video posted by user MasterOfHyrule that showcases some of the regional differences between the heralded NES classic Super Mario Bros. 3.

Some of these are subtle variations, such as the way the screen transitions when you enter a new level from the overworld map. Others are actual gameplay differences. In Japan, for example, getting hit by an enemy while wearing a power-up suit reverted Mario back to his smallest, most vulnerable form. Meanwhile the North American version of the game just removed the suit but left him bigger, allowing him to take an extra hit.

There are a bunch of other differences, too, many of which are related to the difficulty. Fun fact: Japan wins the tougher difficulty. That shouldn’t be too surprising, though.

Check out the comparison video below. As a longtime Super Mario Bros. 3 fan, I’d say it’s a fun little must-watch for anyone who loves this brilliant piece of 8-bit awesomeness.

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