Why Is Earthbound $10? Nintendo Responds

by David Sanchez July 24, 2013 @ 8:52 am


I’ll admit that when I headed over to the Wii U eShop last week to download Earthbound I was a bit surprised to see that the game was priced at $10. Usually, SNES games on the Virtual Console sport an $8 price tag. Still, I almost immediately shrugged it off and downloaded the game without questioning the price, because it’s Earthbound.

A lot of other folks, however, have continued to question Nintendo’s decision to make the famed cult classic $2 more expensive than most SNES games. Nintendo responded, telling Destructoid, “As for EarthBound, Nintendo sets prices in the Nintendo eShop and Virtual Console on a game-by-game basis. Different games will be offered at different prices.”

Do we really need another answer? I don’t think so. It’s very likely that Nintendo saw how hot Earthbound was and how high the demand from fans was and decided that $10 was a good price. Honestly, it’s just $2 more, and this SNES classic is such a good game that it’s definitely worth the increased cost.

Don’t question it — just buy Earthbound, one of the greatest RPGs of our time, and quite possibly the very best.

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