Nintendo Announces Nintendo 2DS

by Justin Baillargeon August 28, 2013 @ 9:21 am

Nintendo 2DS

Yes, you’re reading that correctly. Today Nintendo has announced a 3D-less version of their current handheld and are titling it the Nintendo 2DS. Aside from foregoing the revolutionary glasses-free 3D, the 2DS will also forego the clam-shell design in favor of a slate design, more akin to tablets of today. It will still be able to play all Nintendo 3DS and DS titles however.

Nintendo has opted to not include the larger Nintendo 3DS XL screens into this new product but rather stick with the original size screens from the Nintendo 3DS. Hopefully we can expect an increase in battery life, something that has plagued recent gaming handhelds compared to the last generation.

The 2DS will retail for $29.99 less than your standard model Nintendo 3DS at $129.99 and is slated for release on October 12th, the same day as Pokemon X and Pokemon Y are set to be released.

Check out a video introduction below of the new handheld.

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