PS4 Will Support Four Controllers at Once

by David Sanchez September 4, 2013 @ 10:20 am

PS4 Controller

After Microsoft revealed that the Xbox One would allow up to eight controllers to function simultaneously, folks started wondering about the PlayStation 4. Would the upcoming platform from Sony support up to seven controllers like the PlayStation 3 currently does? Would the console go in the same direction as its competitor and offer eight-controller functionality? Well, it turns out that won’t be the case.

The PlayStation 4 will only support four controllers at any given time. The news was confirmed by Sony Worldwide Studios President Shuhei Yoshida, who addressed the question on Twitter.

And so the rumbling of angry fans and non-fans has begun. For me, this isn’t exactly a problem. Hell, I’ve only owned one PlayStation 3 controller this whole console generation. I do, however, see why some folks would be bothered by this. All of a sudden, the possibilities of larger groups jumping into a party or sports game have dwindled away. Kind of a shame if you were hoping for more controller support.

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