Miyamoto: Super Mario World 3D A Possibility

by Mike Bendel June 30, 2010 @ 8:09 pm

If Nintendo’s legendary game designer Shigeru Miyamoto has his way, there’s a chance we may see a 3D-enhanced remake of beloved SNES classic Super Mario World.

Responding to a reader question on IGN, the mastermind behind everyone’s favorite Goomba-stomping plumber discussed the possibility of bringing it to 3DS:

But the question gets me thinking about what fun it would be to create a Super Mario World game on the Nintendo 3DS and how we could use the depth and the sense of distance offered by 3D visual on the world map and on the maps in that game, so that you have Bullet Bills flying at you from a distance and popping up off the screen.

Is this a tease? To that end, Miyamoto responded with a cryptic “maybe.” Not a direct confirmation by any stretch, but the possibility is there. That’s enough to get us excited. From our time with the handheld at E3, we found that the depth-enhancing effects offered by 3D tech added to the immersion factor in a big way, giving a visible perception of distance in relation to static backdrops on a 2D plane. Certainly, Super Mario World is a candidate prime for retrofitting.

IGN’s Readers Interview Shigeru Miyamoto [IGN]

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