Recovery LE For 3.71 M33 v3

by Mike Bendel October 16, 2007 @ 12:59 pm

Ketchup has a released an update to Recovery LE, a VSH plugin that allows users to access the recovery menu options on custom firmware 3.71 M33 straight from the PSP cross media bar (XMB).

Major additions to this release include a battery timer, a USB on / off switch, AntiUpdate feature, and various bug fixes.

New since v2:

* General:

– Time remaining with battery added
– A USB OF/ON text add (see USB menu)
– screen button problems has been fixed
– AntiUpdate feature added (thanks to tOc, _HellDashX_ , and Coolj)
– USB enabled via HOLD (without the menu)
: just put HOLD to enable USB (and USB device, i.e. UMD, Flash or MS)

* Settings :

– Recovery Config : new organisation (new menu Color)

* Extends :

– CPU Speed : CPU Speed in VSH/GAME has been changed : you now only have choice between the 7 configurations allowed by DA (20, 75, 100, 133, 222, 266, 300 and 333)
– Pandora : Backup Battery Eeprom, and Restore Battery Eeprom added (note : you can have some eeprom writing errors, but your battery should still work)

* vshMenu :

– ISO Video added (see ISO Video for more informations)

* USB (new) :

– allow you to switch on/off USB

Download Recovery LE For 3.71 M33 v3

[RELEASE] Recovery LE v3 [Ketchup]

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