Nintendo Touts ‘Flexible’ Online System for Wii U

by Mike Bendel June 15, 2011 @ 2:12 pm

While Nintendo has been rather coy regarding its online plans for Wii U, president Satoru Iwata reportedly told investors at an E3 Q&A that the company is aiming for flexibility. The service will be adaptable to the desires of third-parties, says Iwata:

So, I think that, going forward, the question is really to what degree Nintendo can create a more flexible system for its consoles.

And, what we found at this point is that, as we discuss the online structure with different publishers, the things that the different publishers want to do are in fact seemingly rather different. Our current direction is how we can take the desires of the third parties and create a system that’s flexible enough to enable them to do the types of things that they might want to do.

It’s notable that Nintendo is trying its best to win third-party devs over, given that many have expressed frustration with the company’s current online approach. Here’s hoping concrete details aren’t far off.

Thanks, Gamasutra.

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