Japanese Hardware Sales 10/29 – 11/4

by Mike Bendel November 8, 2007 @ 9:43 pm

Interesting, interesting week in hardware sales. This week the Xbox 360 actually managed to outsell the PlayStation 3 thanks to the release of Namco’s Ace Combat 6. In total the Xbox 360 pushed 17,673 units, a near 500 percent increase over last week’s numbers. Impressive!

PSP sales continue to impress at 59,714, but leave us very puzzled, as not a single PSP game made it into the top 10 on the software sales chart this week.

As expected, Wii sales went up about 10,000 from the previous week. Not bad, but not the impact that was expected from Galaxy. And the DS? Completely obliterated the competition.

Nintendo DS Lite 78,552
PlayStation Portable 59,714
Wii 37,617
Xbox 360 17,673
PlayStation 3 17,434
PS2 10,209
GBA: SP 206
GameCube 155
Game Boy Micro 113
Nintendo DS 45

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