PReSS v0.1 – PSP RSS Reader

by Mike Bendel November 10, 2007 @ 4:28 pm

The Underminer has rolled out the initial release of PReSS, an enhanced RSS reader for the PSP. Unlike Sony’s built-in RSS reader, which currently only supports audio and video feeds, PReSS can read any standards-compliant feed containing images and text with ease. Moreover, PReSS is written for the 3.X kernel, so it works on any PSP running custom firmware.

PReSS v0.1 feature list:

* Supports GIF, PNG and JPEG images
* Compatible with all RSS versions (but not Atom or RDF)
* Supports WEP WiFi connections (other encryptions untested)
* Resizes images to fit the window
* Has it’s own built in catalogue, filled with user submitted feed (submit feeds in the ‘Suggest feeds’ section of the website)
* Fully skinnable
* Topic expiring. With the more popular feeds; manually deleting topics becomes a tiring business.
* Set an expiration time and type (either days or max amount of topics)

Download PReSS v0.1

PReSS [The Underminer]

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