PSP GNU Chess v1.0.3

by Mike Bendel November 17, 2007 @ 10:51 pm

Homebrew developer Zx-81 has released an update to PSP GNU Chess, a port of the popular command line chess program GNU Chess. Changes in version 1.0.3 consist mainly of bug fixes, gameplay tweaks, and IR keyboard support.

What’s new is this version?

– IR Keyboard support
– Add Option to highlight last move
– Display captured and promoted pieces
– Add virtual keyboard to enter PGN filename
– Load and Save PGN game file
– Fix joypad/pad speed issue

Download PSP GNU Chess v1.0.3 for Custom Firmware / PSP GNU Chess v1.0.3 for Firmware 1.5

PSP GNU CHESS: Chess game for PSP v1.0.3 [Zx-81]

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