StrmnNrmn: Daedalus R14 Progress Update

by Mike Bendel November 26, 2007 @ 1:54 am

Last we heard from homebrew developer StrmnNrmn was his future plans for the next build of PSP N64 emulator Daedalus. Specifically, he spoke about moving audio emulation over to the Media Engine CPU. This would result in a drastic improvement in performance when audio is enabled.

How are those plans going? Quite well, according to StrmnNrmn:

The Media Engine work has been going well. The job manager I talked about last week is now fairly functional and handles executing the audio upsampling code in 3 different modes: synchronously, asynchronously on the main processor, and asynchronously on the ME.

In addition to making progress on the ME, StrmnNrmn decided to improve font rendering in Daedalus by making use of BenHur’s intraFont library, which uses the smoother built-in PSP fonts for increased readability. The result? See below!

R14 Progress [StrmnNrmn]

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