C&C Tiberium To Grace Consoles and PC In 2008

by Mike Bendel December 12, 2007 @ 11:15 pm

The cover story on the January issue of US gaming rag Game Informer has the goods on Command & Conquer: Tiberium. Previously rumored to be in development by EA’s Los Angeles studio, the game is a first-person shooter, in the vein of C&C Renegade.

Players take on the role of Ricardo Vega, a formerly-retired GDI field commander. Reportedly, the game will feature 2-player online, as well as a standard single player campaign.

The C&C series is great, but only the RTS entries. Anyone will tell you that Renegade was a total disappointment. In any case, maybe the second time around will be a charm.

It’s not Renegade 2! IT’S TIBERIUM!! [GameFAQs]

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