Id’s Nix: Hardcore PC Gamers Moving To Consoles

by Mike Bendel March 21, 2008 @ 1:59 pm

Speaking in a recent interview, id Software’s business development director Steve Nix expressed his belief that hardcore PC gamers are moving to consoles for their daily gaming fix.

I know that I have friends who are considered core gamers, who years ago were just keyboard and mouse guys – now, when a game ships on all platforms, they buy the console version, even though the PC version is sitting there and they have a PC that would run it perfectly well. It’s just their preference.

Obviously, this isn’t to say id has completely given up on the PC platform. Nix mentions there are plenty of diehard PC gamers that always keep up with the latest hardware trends, which is a valid point. One thing is certain: this year and the next will be very interesting for the PC platform, with big-name titles like StarCraft II, Red Alert 3, and The Sims 3 all planned for release.

Core PC gamers moving to console experiences – id []

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