Nintendo Still Won’t Tell Us How Much the Wii U Will Cost

by David Sanchez June 26, 2012 @ 12:10 pm

We’re all expecting Nintendo to launch the Wii U by winter 2012. All signs point to it, and to be quite honest, it would be foolish for the Big N to wait any longer than that. But while we may be pretty sure the Wii U is coming within the next few months, we still have no clue how much the darn thing will cost. It looks like Nintendo isn’t ready to reveal that very pivotal piece of information to the public just yet, reports Andriasang.

Speaking to Yomiuri Shimbun, Nintendo President Satoru Iwata stated that the Wii U would sport a “reasonable” price tag at launch. He made a reference to the 3DS, which he said was pretty expensive for consumers at the time of its release. “We won’t make the same mistake that we did with the 3DS, which was considered relatively high by consumers,” said Iwata.

Oh, Nintendo, you sure like to troll us! I mean, we can all kind of guess that the Wii U will probably cost about $299.99. Why don’t you just go out and announce it already? We have to start getting those console pre-orders in, and some people need to start saving their money if they intend on buying the Wii U at launch!

Despite not revealing the platform’s price point, Iwata mentioned that Nintendo had to take a loss with the 3DS’s revised pricing in order to turn a profit. The Nintendo president went so far as to say that the company’s revenue will “turn profitable by the end of this fiscal year.” The 3DS continues its rise, and now Nintendo hopes to make some decent cash off the Wii U. $299.99 seems reasonable, so stop making us wait, Nintendo! You and your elaborate jokes!

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