Satoru Iwata Puts on a Pair of White Gloves to Unbox the Wii U

by David Sanchez November 7, 2012 @ 4:31 pm

Wii U unboxing videos have begun flooding the good ol’ internet today. While it’s certainly entertaining seeing different members of the press opening up their shiny new Nintendo consoles, you should know that if you can only watch one of these videos, you should definitely make it the official unboxing by Satoru Iwata.

What you get is just over five minutes of careful box handling and product removal. Also, the Nintendo president is totally wearing white gloves. Is it a bit much? ‘That’s up to you to decide. Granted Iwata’s probably wearing those gloves so he won’t get any fingerprints on the Wii U or GamePad. Smart move? From an aesthetic standpoint, it definitely is.

Anyway, enough babbling on my part. Does this unboxing video get you even more pumped for the launch of the Wii U? Will you be picking up your very own system on November 18? If you plan on doing an unboxing video, you’re going to have to find a way to top this white glove performance. Maybe you can wear a top hat.

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