Nintendo Mulling Over Storage Solution For Wii

by Mike Bendel May 1, 2008 @ 5:43 pm

While not exactly large in size by any means, WiiWare titles can fill up the Wii’s internal flash memory rather quickly. Based on reports from Japanese users of the service, downloading five moderately-sized games will fill up a good chunk of the available 512MB space — if not all of it.

Is a solution to this issue on the horizon? For its part, Nintendo has repeatedly denied rumors of a Wii hard drive peripheral but is reviewing “possible solutions” to the issue of inadequate storage space, according to company president Satoru Iwata. Here’s what he had to say in a recent financial report for the fiscal term ending March 2008:

Statistically speaking, it is true that there are a small number of customers who feel that the flash memory is too small, while many others find that they have plenty of memory. However, because this small number of people are none other than the most avid players, we know we have to review the best possible solution to eliminate their inconvenience.

Good to hear there is hope at the end of the tunnel.

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