Indie Devs No Longer Need Office to Make Games for Nintendo Platforms

by David Sanchez March 25, 2013 @ 11:37 pm


In the past, Nintendo established that indie developers would be required to have an office space in order to release content on the company’s many platforms. This included WiiWare, DSiWare, the 3DS eShop, and most recently the Wii U eShop. It looks like that rule has been abolished, however, as Nintendo has confirmed that small dev teams (and in some case individuals) no longer need to operate outside of their homes.

“More and more people are working from home, and we recognize that developers are forming virtual teams around the world,” explained Nintendo’s Dan Adelman in an interview with Gamasutra. “I know we’ve shied away from talking about these things publicly in the past, so I’m glad that I can officially confirm that the office requirement is a thing of the past.”

For a lot of indie studios and upstart devs, purchasing an office can be quite taxing and expensive. Additionally, because so many individuals work remotely from one another, an internet connection is all they need to stay in touch and work together properly. It’s great to see that Nintendo has done away with such an odd and stringent requirement.

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