PSPCAP32 v1.4.1

by Mike Bendel June 21, 2008 @ 4:42 pm

Homebrew developer Zx-81 has issued an update to his 8-bit Amstrad CPC emulator known as PSPCAP32. The emulator is a direct port of Ulrich Doewich’s Caprice32, originally written for Windows and Unix, albeit with various PSP specific enhancements.

In addition to a bug fix regarding CRTC emulation, version 1.4.1 adds support for two virtual drives, allowing users to mount the Amstrad-compatible SymbOS on one, while storing application and game disks on the other. Hit the break for the complete changelog.

* Bug fix in CRTC emulation (games such as Prehistorik II couldn’t be launched previously)

* Two drives (A & B) are now supported, but only drive A can be used to automatically start a game. It might be useful with SymbOS to put the OS disk on drive ‘A:’ and application disk on ‘B:’

Download PSPCAP32 v1.4.1 for Custom Firmware / PSPCAP32 v1.4.1 for Firmware 1.5

PSPCAP32: Amstrad CPC Emulator for PSP v1.4.1 [Zx-81]

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