Hotline Miami 2 Trailer Is Bloody, Pixelated, Disturbing

by David Sanchez June 19, 2013 @ 10:03 am

Hotline Miami 2

A trailer for Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number has arrived on the good ol’ internet. In case you missed the first Hotline Miami, you should really play it, because it’s an awesome action game filled with colorful style, great music, and intense gameplay. This sequel looks to continue all of that, though the story will take a bit of turn.

This time around, instead of playing as a single murderous character, you’ll step into the shoes of several individuals. The thing these characters have in common is that they’re fueled by their passion and worship of the main character from the previous game. This is disturbing and dark fare, and it sets the tone for this upcoming endeavor.

Hotline Miami 2 is in development by Dennaton Games and is being published by Devolver Digital. The game is scheduled to launch sometime this year for the PC.

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