PSP Filer 5.2 Released, Features 4.01 M33 Compatibility

by Mike Bendel July 2, 2008 @ 1:31 pm

Homebrew developer Mediumgauge has released an maintenance update to PSP Filer, a powerful yet simplistic file management application designed for the PSP. By using PSP Filer, users can easily edit, copy, delete, and transfer files on the memory stick and flash memory.

In addition to a couple bug fixes and tweaks, version 5.2 adds 4.01 M33 compatibility, allowing users to sort and re-order applications located in the GAME4XX folder. As usual, the full changelog can be viewed after the jump.

* added “GAME4XX” folder to re-order game icons. (added “GAMEnaa” folder : n=0-9, a=0-9/a-z/A-Z)
picture viewer:
* changed circle button’s function to toggle “make a picture to fit screen width” and “to fit screen height”.
binary editor:
* fixed a bug that a help screen was vanished when Filer finishes to read a large file.

Download PSP Filer 5.2

Release Thread

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