Building the New – Version 5.00

by Mike Bendel June 17, 2014 @ 11:23 pm

Today we’re excited to unveil the next version of Over a year in development, backed by a responsive theme and new features, we think it’s the best iteration of the site yet.

The redesign furthers integration with our profile tracking system. Large header images have been added across the site, allowing us to prominent display a user’s last played games on their profile, or in the case of the home page, the most recent games added to our database.

Our gamercard system has been fully revamped, giving users more control over customization. You can now opt to display either games or achievements on any skin and platform. Additionally, support for displaying a combination of games and achievements has been added for single platform skins, which also now show your last played game as a background image on the card.

The new site gives logged in users the option of reporting trophy and achievement cheaters as well.


Behind the scenes, we’ve completely rewritten the backend. The new site is extremely flexible, fast, and gives us a fantastic base to build upon. Later next month, we’ll be adding support for user-submitted trophy and achievement guides, Xbox One challenges tracking, and integration of screenshot galleries on our game pages. Stay tuned!