PSP2600 v1.1.4

by Mike Bendel July 30, 2008 @ 2:24 pm

Retro emulation aficionados, gather round. Homebrew developer Zx-81 has released a maintenance update to PSP2600, a Atari 2600 emulator for the PSP. PSP2600 is based on code from Aenea’s PSP port of Stella, a multi-platform Atari 2600 VCS emulator originally written by Bradford Mott.

In addition to a bug fix regarding the IR keyboard functionality, version 1.1.4 features support for displaying thumbnails of ROM images in the file browser, as well as the ability to jump to the keyboard and settings menu by pressing the PSP’s L trigger. For the complete changelog, hit the jump.

* A thumbnail image is now displayed in the file requester
while selecting any file with the same name of a previously
saved game.
* In the emulator menu you can go directly to keyboard and settings
menu using the L-Trigger key.
* Fix IR keyboard issue with firmware >= 3.80 for Fat PSP

Download PSP2600 v1.1.4 for Custom Firmware / PSP2600 v1.1.4 for Firmware 1.5

PSP2600: Atari 2600 emulator for PSP v1.1.4 [Zx-81]

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