Punch Out, Sin & Punishment 2, Pikmin Wii-make Announced

by Mike Bendel October 1, 2008 @ 11:59 pm

It’s official, Nintendo has made up for its lackluster showing at E3. At the company’s fall 2008 conference in Japan, Punch Out and Sin & Punishment 2, a sequel to Treasure’s seminal N64 shooter, have been announced for a release on the Wii.

Additionally, Nintendo is re-releasing Pikmin on the Wii with an updated control scheme designed to take advantage of the console’s motion-sensing capabilities. Other GameCube efforts are planned to be ported over as well, although so far only Pikmin has been confirmed. Don’t worry, Pikmin 3 is still in development, but this is fantastic news as many Cube titles did not receive the recognition they deserved.

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