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Manimals of Mal Zver village are strong. Manimals of New Gornyj are weak. Manimals of New Gornyj do not obey Moreau. Manimals of New Gornyj do not obey Hyena-Swine. Manimals of New Gornyj do not believe in Law of the Jungle. Manimals of New Gornyj believe in Lawgiver. Lawgiver is weak. Lawgiver say Manimals and humans live in peace. Lawgiver say no spill blood. Lawgiver say Manimals walk on two legs, not four. Manimals of New Gornyj reject Moreau and Hyena-Swine. Manimals of New Gornyj follow Father Elk. Manimals of Mal Zver are enemies of human-loving Manimal weaklings of New Gornyj.

6.61% Very Rare - 13.75 EXP

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