• 125 Achievements Earned
  • 40 Players Tracked
  • 69 Total Achievements
  • 16,046 Obtainable EXP
  • 1 100% Club

'Here reigns the King of Valnor, first of his name and leader of men.' This epigraph once stood on the entrance to Valnor, the old Human capital. The city held strong for 12 years, and served as a neutral place for negotiations throughout that time. Yet, on the 13th year, it was defiled.Sever Pott the Fourth, King of the Humans, tooks his own life alongside everyone else's by blowing up the city when negotiations for a Peace treaty went awry. When the four Factions agreed to the creation of a Peacekeeping force, Valnor seemed like the perfect place. Rebuilding a piece of the old world, shaping it like a four,leafed Clover to symbolize the unity, yet discreteness of the four factions, it would serve as a beacon of hope for a more fortunate future. That force was named the High Order, and was acknowledged by the Treaty as the fifth Faction, neutral to all, and tasked solely to keep the peace. As of year 48, the city is fully built, and its citizens (mostly soldiers, builders and their families) are eager to host the 10,year anniversary of the Clover Treaty.

2.50% Ultra Rare - 241.00 EXP

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