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  • 40 Players Tracked
  • 69 Total Achievements
  • 16,046 Obtainable EXP
  • 1 100% Club

Currently Amyra is favored by enough citizens to ensure stability, and her policy of welcoming outsiders, is widely respected. This mentality has attracted Tradesmen, Scientists, Artists and Chefs from all around Delasphos, to the Resistance's capital. The Tradesman's guild mainly wants to keep the peace, yet it is known to strong arm the other Factions, especially when it comes to basic resources produced by the Resistance's vast agriculture practice. Of course, they do it all within the extent of the law. The Guild of Arcane Arts has great prestige due to their study of Delasphos's elemental imbalance, and along with the Inventor's Guild their official mission is to make life better for everyone on this planet; but every coin has a flip side. Regardless, they steer away from politics. Besides the functional, the Resistance has a knack for the aesthetical as well. The Guild of Expression is known for nurturing an individual's latent talents, which becomes apparent during the many festivals that happen within the cities and villages. In most of these, commoners get a chance to taste what is considered the most divine food of the Realm ; normally affordable only by the privileged few. This culmination of guilds, is born and gives rise to the multi,cultural environment Amyra always envisioned.

2.50% Ultra Rare - 241.00 EXP

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