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  • 40 Players Tracked
  • 69 Total Achievements
  • 16,046 Obtainable EXP
  • 1 100% Club

Most Factions' Tribes are mismatched, but few hate each other as much as those of the Elven Pact. High Elves and Dark Elves, as well as some Half,Elves that were born during the war, make up for most of its citizens. As soon as the portals were open, the elves were prepared. They cast aside their differences, at least temprorarily, and rushed as two separate armies with one common goal; to conquer the world at the other side. And they would have, had the portalled remained open long enough for their entire armies to make it through. They have declared their twin capital cities to be Inl Thenmar and Onf Thenmar, an old human city, split in two. There's also rumors of Wood Elves that made it through the portal, but no one has seen any in the last 50 years. No matter how hard they tried, after the imminent threat disappeared and the Clover Treaty was signed, they could no longer unite under mixed leadership. So they now share a city split in half, and each Tribe abides to their own leaders and laws

2.50% Ultra Rare - 241.00 EXP

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