• 139,948 Achievements Earned
  • 9,981 Players Tracked
  • 143 Total Achievements
  • 77,233 Obtainable EXP
  • 7 100% Club

Complete the game with following settings, accomplishing the following deeds: 1) Core difficulty or above; 2) Party's speed depends on the weight you're carrying; 3) No auto level-up for PC or companions; 4) No retrain; 5) No more than 75 rests total; 6) Find and kill all optional bosses in the earliest chapter possible; 7) Defeat Khorramzadeh's army in Crusade mode; 8) Develop all four Crusade stats to their maximum potential; 9) Complete your mythic transformation.

1.47% Ultra Rare - 766.00 EXP

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