• 33,029 Trophies Earned
  • 1,208 Players Tracked
  • 38 Total Trophies
  • 2,779 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,305 Points
  • 331 Platinum Club
  • 331 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Acquire all Trophies.

    27.40% (174.00)
  • Clear Arcade Mode. (Continues OK; Player 1 only.)

    46.69% (102.00)
  • Clear Super Easy Mode. (Continues OK; Player 1 only.)

    74.25% (64.00)
  • Clear Deathtiny Mode. (Continues OK.)

    61.84% (77.00)
  • Clear the game with the Type-A ship. (Continues OK; Player 1 only.)

    77.40% (62.00)
  • Clear the game with the Type-B ship. (Continues OK; Player 1 only.)

    63.66% (75.00)
  • Destroy the stage 4 midboss. (Continues OK; Player 1 only.)

    87.91% (54.00)
  • Destroy the stage 4 boss. (Continues OK; Player 1 only.)

    86.92% (55.00)
  • Destroy the stage 5 midboss. (Continues OK; Player 1 only.)

    85.60% (56.00)
  • Destroy the stage 5 boss. (Continues OK; Player 1 only.)

    83.86% (57.00)
  • Destroy Evaccaneer DOOM. (Continues OK; Player 1 only.)

    80.46% (59.00)
  • Clear Super Easy Mode without dying. (Player 1 only.)

    44.45% (107.00)
  • Score enough points for an extra life in Arcade Mode. (Continues OK; Player 1 only.)

    81.95% (58.00)
  • Pick up the 1UP Item in stage 3. (Continues OK; Player 1 only.)

    87.09% (55.00)
  • Pick up the 1UP Item in stage 5. (Continues OK; Player 1 only.)

    83.61% (57.00)
  • Pick up a bomb when you already have 6 bombs in stock. (Continues OK; Player 1 only.)

    63.08% (76.00)
  • Fully lock on to the orb emitted by the stage 4 boss during the third wave of its second form. (Requires locking on with all of your gunners; Continues OK; Player 1 only.)

    84.77% (56.00)
  • Without releasing the shot button, maintain a [5] rate chip streak for 5 seconds. (Continues OK; Player 1 only.)

    63.33% (75.00)
  • Immediately after destroying an enemy with your normal shot, fire a lockshot to spawn [5]-grade rate chips from its explosion. (Continues OK; Player 1 only.)

    93.21% (51.00)
  • Destroy the stage 2 midboss. (Continues OK; Player 1 only.)

    94.45% (50.00)
  • Destroy the stage 2 boss. (Continues OK; Player 1 only.)

    91.97% (52.00)
  • Destroy the stage 3 midboss. (Continues OK; Player 1 only.)

    89.24% (53.00)
  • Destroy the stage 3 boss. (Continues OK; Player 1 only.)

    89.49% (53.00)
  • With a full set of four gunners, lock on to an enemy for 10 seconds straight. (Continues OK; Player 1 only.)

    92.38% (52.00)
  • Press the bomb button within 1/6th of a second after you die. (Continues OK; Player 1 only.)

    74.01% (64.00)
  • Die just as you're about to destroy a boss or midboss. (Continues OK; Player 1 only.)

    81.95% (58.00)
  • Allow one of Stage 5's Tiger Haken or Panzer Schneider attack aircrafts to escape without dropping a 1UP. (Continues OK; Player 1 only.)

    71.94% (66.00)
  • Allow a 1UP Item to leave the screen before you're able to pick it up. (Continues OK; Player 1 only.)

    44.95% (106.00)
  • Use Quick Load in Arcade Mode.

    46.94% (102.00)
  • Play Bonds of Growth.

    70.78% (67.00)
  • Clear 10 Bond Fragments in Bonds of Growth Mode.

    48.59% (98.00)
  • Reveal the image of the full team in Bonds of Growth Mode.

    40.89% (117.00)
  • Play Arcade Challenge Mode.

    73.59% (65.00)
  • Play all areas in Arcade Challenge Mode with both Type-A and Type-B ships.

    29.55% (161.00)
  • Play Arcade Mode. (Player 1 only.)

    93.79% (51.00)
  • Play Super Easy Mode. (Player 1 only.)

    80.63% (59.00)
  • Play Deathtiny Mode.

    77.57% (61.00)
  • Play Custom Mode. (Player 1 only.)

    63.99% (74.00)