• 45,080 Achievements Earned
  • 9,586 Players Tracked
  • 15 Total Achievements
  • 17,511 Obtainable EXP
  • 197 100% Club
Earned Date
  • You get this just because you're such a nice person.

    99.75% (79.00)
  • Play the original 5 levels in both Time Mode and Free Mode.

    10.61% (740.00)
  • Completely fill the grid in Free Mode.

    38.08% (206.00)
  • Have 3 active quads onscreen at once.

    83.81% (94.00)
  • Create a quad before the beatline has made its first pass of the level.

    91.82% (85.00)
  • Create a quad containing 80 cells or more.

    30.84% (255.00)
  • Score a total of 50 million points.

    7.04% (1115.00)
  • Find 6 different quad sounds on a level. Quads can be square, wide or tall, and either small or big.

    69.56% (113.00)
  • Create 7 quads on the grid in one pass of the beatline.

    5.29% (1484.00)
  • Build up a score multiplier of 25 or more.

    13.97% (562.00)
  • Create a single quad that covers the entire width of the grid on the original 5 levels.

    3.73% (2105.00)
  • Get 100% coverage or more on the original 5 levels in 3 minute mode.

    3.09% (2541.00)
  • Receive one companion cube piece.

    8.31% (945.00)
  • Receive 50 companion cube pieces.

    2.22% (3536.00)
  • Receive 100 companion cube pieces.

    2.15% (3651.00)