• 25,282 Achievements Earned
  • 3,415 Players Tracked
  • 36 Total Achievements
  • 24,099 Obtainable EXP
  • 33 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Win a Duel against an AI opponent

    44.22% (93.00)
  • Win 5 Duels against an AI opponent

    11.54% (355.00)
  • Boost 20 times in a single match

    22.37% (183.00)
  • Collide with an opponent while boosted

    38.13% (107.00)
  • Collide with an opponent while boosted 5 times in a match

    2.49% (1646.00)
  • Collide with a floating star 20 times in a match

    8.52% (481.00)
  • Achieve a combat-free experience for 30 seconds

    17.72% (231.00)
  • Achieve a combat-free experience for 2 minutes

    5.59% (733.00)
  • Win a match in under 30 seconds

    36.63% (112.00)
  • Win a match in under 20 seconds

    26.09% (157.00)
  • Reflect a bomb using your shield

    63.13% (65.00)
  • Reflect 20 bombs using your shield in a single match

    2.64% (1552.00)
  • Reflect a missile using your shield

    77.83% (53.00)
  • Reflect 20 missiles using your shield in a single match

    1.64% (2499.00)
  • Win a match with your (human) team taking no damage

    41.49% (99.00)
  • Strike your opponent 10 times in a Duel

    7.67% (534.00)
  • Win a duel against Stanley using a single weapon

    12.15% (337.00)
  • Win a duel against Stanley using all weapons

    10.42% (393.00)
  • Drop 5 bombs on yourself

    11.16% (367.00)
  • Collide with terrain 10 times during a match

    98.30% (42.00)
  • Achieve at least 10% Accuracy in a match

    13.44% (305.00)
  • Achieve at least 25% Accuracy in a match

    4.71% (870.00)
  • Achieve at least 50% Accuracy in a match

    4.04% (1014.00)
  • Achieve at least 100% Accuracy in a match

    3.46% (1184.00)
  • Beat Stanley in a Duel without shooting or ramming.

    2.20% (1863.00)
  • Beat Stanley in a Duel without using your shields

    27.73% (148.00)
  • Win a duel against a player using only bombs

    6.21% (660.00)
  • Win a duel against a player using only nukes

    4.66% (879.00)
  • Win a 4 player match without getting hit

    5.48% (748.00)
  • No collisions occurred during a 4 player match

    21.17% (194.00)
  • Participate in a 3 player match

    20.97% (195.00)
  • Participate in a 4 player match

    31.04% (132.00)
  • Win 20 4 player matches in a row

    1.23% (3332.00)
  • Win a duel against one other person

    34.00% (121.00)
  • Win a duel against one other person 5 times

    18.39% (223.00)
  • Win 10 4 player matches in a row

    1.87% (2192.00)