• 24,525 Achievements Earned
  • 5,969 Players Tracked
  • 19 Total Achievements
  • 12,105 Obtainable EXP
  • 220 100% Club
Earned Date
  • A Cargo Corp trophy for reaching the rank of Packing Mule trainee.

    26.87% (263.00)
  • A Cargo Corp trophy for reaching the rank of Bearer of Coffee trainee.

    11.22% (630.00)
  • A Cargo Corp trophy for reaching the rank of junior Cargo Commander.

    6.68% (1059.00)
  • I made a drawing for you, dad, about when you finally came home!

    4.88% (1449.00)
  • Cargo Corp honored your 50th day on the job with a small picture of a gold watch.

    6.23% (1135.00)
  • After throwing an apple can against a mutant, you remembered your wife telling you not to eat so much canned food.

    41.82% (169.00)
  • After carrying your coffee mug through 5 containers of a wave without breaking it, you remembered the day your wife bought it for you.

    21.14% (334.00)
  • I made a drawing of you, killing a mutant in a container while choking in space!

    6.87% (1029.00)
  • This drawing is for you dad, a toilet in space!

    26.77% (264.00)
  • Cargo Corp has noticed that you collected 100 caps. Please spend your money to buy Cargo Corp equipment.

    7.59% (932.00)
  • Killing 5 mutants with one bullet reminded you of your son breaking his hand on five wooden boards with one strike on his karate training.

    12.90% (548.00)
  • Here's a drawing of you dad, with all guns and armor and explosives and upgrades!

    9.06% (780.00)
  • Cargo Corp wishes to congratulate you with finding all possible cargo on your first day.

    61.07% (116.00)
  • Cargo Corp has noticed all the parcels you received from home. Please contact your designated office shrink for homesickness tests.

    3.97% (1781.00)
  • Cargo Corp warns you that your curse quota of 100 has been exceeded. Please refrain from shouting obscenities.

    23.30% (303.00)
  • Cargo Corp has noted that you have met 50 co-workers and wishes to applaud your teamwork and social skills.

    20.20% (350.00)
  • You are the best dad! On this drawing you have just smashed 20 monsters!

    81.77% (86.00)
  • You are the best dad! On this drawing you have just smashed 200 monsters!

    27.02% (262.00)
  • You are the best dad! On this drawing you have just smashed 1000 monsters!

    11.49% (615.00)