• 422 Achievements Earned
  • 96 Players Tracked
  • 7 Total Achievements
  • 1,480 Obtainable EXP
  • 43 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Find the yellow key near the crashsite.

    56.25% (263.00)
  • Find the red key somewhere under a ceiling lamp.

    51.04% (290.00)
  • Find the blue key up high outside the facility.

    63.54% (233.00)
  • Find the white key near a lot of ladders.

    45.83% (323.00)
  • Find the black key near the rocket.

    45.83% (323.00)
  • 01101000 01100101 01100101 01101100 01101111

    96.88% (22.00)
  • Enter the lush caverns of the facility.

    80.21% (26.00)