• 434,467 Trophies Earned
  • 44,034 Players Tracked
  • 26 Total Trophies
  • 3,981 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,320 Points
  • 8,253 Platinum Club
  • 8,245 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Collect all trophies

    18.74% (269.00)
  • Mend a broken bond

    38.57% (131.00)
  • Find every secret

    21.73% (232.00)
  • Finish each level from start to finish without dying

    18.77% (269.00)
  • Find the first missing piece

    99.49% (2.00)
  • Find the second missing piece

    71.33% (71.00)
  • Find the third missing piece

    52.89% (95.00)
  • Find the fourth missing piece

    48.65% (104.00)
  • Find the fifth missing piece

    45.43% (111.00)
  • Find the sixth missing piece

    43.67% (116.00)
  • Steal the sixth missing piece back

    41.96% (120.00)
  • Find the seventh missing piece

    40.51% (125.00)
  • Find the eighth missing piece

    39.97% (126.00)
  • Find a broken half piece

    39.12% (129.00)
  • Find the other broken half piece

    38.59% (131.00)
  • Tear down all the thistles in one go

    40.96% (123.00)
  • Find the secret hidden in the tree tops where you fly

    31.01% (163.00)
  • Make it through the mire in one go without swatting any mosquitoes

    21.96% (230.00)
  • Get the secret hidden in the mountain maze

    43.13% (117.00)
  • Make it to the water wheel without using a log raft

    26.97% (187.00)
  • Use the excavator to find a secret

    24.17% (209.00)
  • Find the secret in the crushing zapping death machine

    33.35% (151.00)
  • Break all the ice on the way to the letterbox in one go

    23.12% (218.00)
  • Clear all the snowy branches in one go

    29.42% (172.00)
  • Find the secret in the engine room

    26.16% (193.00)
  • Use your lasso to jump between 25 different points without touching the ground

    26.99% (187.00)