Awaker Released For PSP, PC

by Mike Bendel February 6, 2008 @ 9:30 pm

After ten months in the making, the development trio of Poison, Genevois Romuald, and Alexel have released a new homebrew game for the PSP and PC entitled Awaker.

In the game, players must reach the end of each level before their opponent does, while avoiding “static fields” that will send the player back to the level start point. Nine levels are available in all, in addition to an easy and slightly more difficult expert mode. On the PSP version, in-game screenshots can be taken by pressing L and are saved in the PICTURE folder found on the memory stick.

Awaker can be downloaded for both the PSP and PC (Windows, Linux) below.

Download Awaker PSP / Awaker PC

Endilog – Awaker PSP [Endilog]

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