PS Vita Firmware 2.60 Out for Download

by Mike Bendel August 5, 2013 @ 7:28 pm

PS Vita
Sony’s released a new firmware update for the PS Vita, bumping up the version count to 2.60. The changelog is detailed below:

* You can now easily upload and download your saved data using online storage. Select the PlayStation Plus icon on the LiveArea screen for each application.

* Some items have been added to the menu that appears when you press and hold the PS button.

* [Devices] has been newly added under [Settings], and [Bluetooth Settings] has been moved under [Devices]

* In addition, the usability of many features has been improved.

Also of note, this update adds the ability to hide trophy activity, something we mentioned was coming a few months ago. You can restrict viewing across the board or limit access to friends. This is a PSN-level feature, so expect to see it added to PS3 soon as well. As always, you can hop on Network Update to download the firmware or directly by hitting up this link.