• 57 Achievements Earned
  • 25 Players Tracked
  • 20 Total Achievements
  • 12,047 Obtainable EXP
  • 51,000 Points (XP)
  • 0 100% Club

Click a field based on its text content. To do this, use the "AutoInput Action" Tasker action, in the "Action" field select "Click", in the "Field Type" field select "Text" and in the "Field Text" field write the text you want to click on the screen. You can click any button or list item on the screen this way, assuming it has some text associated with it. So, for example, if a music player has a button with the text "Shuffle" in it, you can click it by using "Shuffle" in the "Field Text" field.

4.00% Ultra Rare - 1624.00 EXP

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