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Nimelle's defiance and results, inspired the Arch,Sorcerers to act. Of the nearby planets drift away into nothingness, they opened portals to the three closest ones ; the Elven planet, the Dwarven planet and the planet of the Orcs. It wasn't long before M' Or stabilized itself, the portals closed, and those who came through them were stuck with us on Delasphos, one of the few planets of the Mother Realm that survived the War of Souls. The terraforming brought to the surface the underwater gnomes, a Tribe which was residing peacefully alongside Humans ever since time began, each other's knowledge of the other's existence long,lost in the annals of history. The planet's soil was not the only thing that suffered from the exposure to the soul energy. Many of the forest's animal's , wolves and lizards, birds and dragons, absorbed great amounts of soul energy. Some died instantly while others mutated over the next two decades, giving rise to entirely new species which battled for supremacy in the forests. Aaracocras and Dragonborns were the victors, if one can describe mass extinction as a victory. In the end of it all, Delasphos was no longer , and would never again be , the same; the planet's surface had changed permanently, and there were now 8 Tribes being forced into co,existence.

2.50% Ultra Rare - 241.00 EXP

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