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  • 40 Players Tracked
  • 69 Total Achievements
  • 16,046 Obtainable EXP
  • 1 100% Club

Besides being a symbol for peace, Clover also houses Delasphos's peacekeeping corps, the High Order. Each Faction contributes Soldiers to the High Order; enough that a balance of powers is preserved. It was agreed that the High Order should be powerful enough to protect any Faction from attacks of the other three, while at the same time not be powerful enough that all four Factions together would not be able to overtake it. Of course, some members of the High Order also take jobs on the side, mainly as Guardians in the Knights for Hire Federation. After the city is built, the other four Federations are planned to move their Headquarters here as well, although no one knows what the Assassins' will look like or where it's going to be. The Order and the Knights for Hire currently resides within Clover, as it is being built and have a symbiotic relationship with the Builders' Association ; one of the groups who benefitted most from this Treaty, as they were the sole contractors responsible for building an entire city. This steady amount of work, has brought many seeking to earn an honest living, despite of their origin. The result is a safe, grand city, home to people from all eight Tribes.

2.50% Ultra Rare - 241.00 EXP

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