• 6,020 Achievements Earned
  • 1,050 Players Tracked
  • 28 Total Achievements
  • 14,226 Obtainable EXP
  • 26 100% Club
Earned Date
  • First time open the game

    99.81% (45.00)
  • The first time start the festival

    97.05% (47.00)
  • Finish the game without continue

    44.57% (101.00)
  • Finish the normal mode or more with all the characters without continue

    10.19% (443.00)
  • Finish extra story with any character

    15.62% (289.00)
  • Stay in music room for more than 2 hours

    14.00% (323.00)
  • Finish extra story with all the characters

    6.00% (753.00)
  • Keep hurtless for 60 seconds during Spell "Virginal White Fairy Tale" or Spell "Spotless Dreamland"

    8.86% (510.00)
  • Grazing counts more then 3,000 in any one non-spell card by Chen in either stage2 or extra story

    6.95% (650.00)
  • No shooting before appearance of mid-way boss in stage2 or the first mid-way boss in extra story

    19.52% (231.00)
  • Clear the final boss of stage3 without hurts

    35.24% (128.00)
  • Collect the final spell card "Ten Bu Hou Rin" in stage 5 in normal mode or more without using low-speed mode and without hurts

    7.71% (586.00)
  • Collect the spell card "Seduction‘Wandering Utsusemi’" of Yuyuko without hurts

    8.76% (516.00)
  • Collect the spell card "Cherry Garden of Saigyoji" of Yuyuko without hurts

    31.71% (142.00)
  • Collect the spell card "Domineering Spider Lady" without hurts

    5.90% (766.00)
  • Clear the final boss of extra story without hurts

    3.05% (1482.00)
  • Clear the final boss of Stage6

    5.52% (819.00)
  • Graze counts reaching 40,000

    5.71% (791.00)
  • Clear the spell card at final second

    45.43% (99.00)
  • To start a seal more than 55 times during games

    29.33% (154.00)
  • No moving for 5 seconds when number of danmuku exceeds 800

    8.48% (533.00)
  • Clear any one stage in normal mode or more without low-speed mode

    15.90% (284.00)
  • Clear all the stages(1-6 or extra stort) with no bomb

    14.76% (306.00)
  • Start the final spell card of Stage6 with no more life or bomb and collect the spell card

    4.48% (1009.00)
  • Scoring exceeds 300,000,000 within single Sakura Seal

    5.43% (832.00)
  • Grazing counts reaching 80,000

    3.14% (1439.00)
  • Crash yourself into enemy to clear a spell card(No shooting)

    7.71% (586.00)
  • Finish phantasm story with any character

    12.48% (362.00)