• 97 Achievements Earned
  • 11 Players Tracked
  • 14 Total Achievements
  • 1,113 Obtainable EXP
  • 6 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Gou

    Contribute 5,and leave a message and write two sentences of the poem

    90.91% (4.00)
  • Li

    Contribute 10,and leave a message and write two sentences of the poem

    54.55% (104.00)
  • Guo

    Contribute 15,and leave a message and write two sentences of the poem

    63.64% (89.00)
  • Jia

    Contribute 20,and leave a message and write two sentences of the poem

    54.55% (104.00)
  • Contribute 25,and leave a message and write two sentences of the poem

    54.55% (104.00)
  • Si

    Contribute 30,and leave a message and write two sentences of the poem

    63.64% (89.00)
  • Yi

    Contribute 35,and leave a message and write two sentences of the poem

    63.64% (89.00)
  • Qi

    Contribute 40,and leave a message and write two sentences of the poem

    54.55% (104.00)
  • Yin

    Contribute 45,and leave a message and write two sentences of the poem

    54.55% (104.00)
  • Huo

    Contribute 50,and leave a message and write two sentences of the poem

    54.55% (104.00)
  • Fu

    Contribute 55,and leave a message and write two sentences of the poem

    81.82% (5.00)
  • Bi

    Contribute 60,and leave a message and write two sentences of the poem

    54.55% (104.00)
  • Qu

    Contribute 65,and leave a message and write two sentences of the poem

    54.55% (104.00)
  • Zhi

    Contribute 70,and leave a message and write two sentences of the poem

    81.82% (5.00)