• 1,954 Trophies Earned
  • 290 Players Tracked
  • 8 Total Trophies
  • 480 Obtainable EXP
  • 315 Points
  • 0 Platinum Club
  • 221 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Complete the Golden Temple

    90.69% (15.00)
  • Complete Antarctica

    79.66% (133.00)
  • Complete the Lost Levels

    80.00% (132.00)
  • Complete the Tower of Nannar

    92.76% (14.00)
  • Collect all golden skulls

    84.14% (16.00)
  • Unlock every character and costume

    76.55% (138.00)
  • Complete every stage of the main game as Aban Hawkins with a cumulative time of less than 30 minutes

    84.83% (16.00)
  • Find the Key of Serpentis

    85.17% (16.00)