• 4,876 Trophies Earned
  • 892 Players Tracked
  • 29 Total Trophies
  • 11,975 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,320 Points
  • 36 Platinum Club
  • 36 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Collect all other trophies for 20XX.

    4.04% (877.00)
  • Complete the game with High Tide, Marathon, Wrath, Undying, and Destiny active.

    4.04% (877.00)
  • Complete the game with Wrath, Undying, Furor, and Swarm active.

    4.82% (735.00)
  • Complete the game with Wrath, Famine, Marathon, and Toxin active.

    4.26% (832.00)
  • Complete the game with Final Destination active.

    4.26% (832.00)
  • With the High Tide Skull on, complete the game without taking any maximum health increases.

    4.71% (753.00)
  • Complete the game with the starting Primary and no Powers.

    13.12% (270.00)
  • Complete a Daily Hardcore Challenge.

    6.17% (574.00)
  • Complete the game with 1 maximum HP or less.

    5.49% (646.00)
  • Complete the game with at least 3 Prototype Augs and no System Restore.

    8.52% (416.00)
  • Complete the game with Rock and Purist active.

    5.38% (659.00)
  • Complete the game with Marathon, Famine, and Bankruptcy active.

    5.16% (687.00)
  • Complete the game within 28 minutes.

    10.65% (333.00)
  • On Level 8, defeat all four Rollsters within three seconds of each other.

    8.07% (439.00)
  • On Level 8, defeat Death Lotus with all spawn points occupied.

    10.76% (329.00)
  • On Level 8, defeat both Astrals with falling platforms.

    10.76% (329.00)
  • On Level 8, defeat 50 Flapps and Eternal Star within two seconds using Force Nova.

    7.74% (458.00)
  • On Level 8, survive for 60 seconds without taking damage during The Perforator fight.

    10.54% (336.00)
  • On Level 8, defeat Vile Visage by breaking his horn, then only using basic attacks.

    12.56% (282.00)
  • On Level 8, defeat Kur with one steady stream of Vera bullets.

    14.35% (247.00)
  • On Level 8, defeat Shatterbeak without allowing him to use any abilities.

    14.35% (247.00)
  • Complete level 4.

    98.99% (1.00)
  • Complete level 8.

    65.92% (54.00)
  • Complete the game.

    50.11% (71.00)
  • Deliver a boss' killing blow with its weakness.

    65.36% (54.00)
  • Complete a Rush Job.

    23.09% (154.00)
  • Complete a Core set.

    19.51% (182.00)
  • Complete a Daily Challenge.

    17.38% (204.00)
  • Complete the game, succeeding every Glory Zone.

    36.55% (97.00)