• 4,476 Trophies Earned
  • 886 Players Tracked
  • 30 Total Trophies
  • 9,936 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,305 Points
  • 48 Platinum Club
  • 48 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Earn all other trophies

    5.42% (715.00)
  • Win a skirmish game against at least one normal AI with the Renegades faction.

    43.79% (89.00)
  • Win a multiplayer game as the Renegades faction.

    50.90% (76.00)
  • Win a skirmish game against at least one beginner AI with the Renegades faction.

    33.07% (117.00)
  • Win a multiplayer game as the Renegades faction with a human teammate.

    31.49% (123.00)
  • Win a skirmish game against at least one normal AI with the Guardians faction.

    29.46% (132.00)
  • Kill at least 40 units with a single nuke.

    27.20% (143.00)
  • Win a skirmish game against at least one hard AI with the Renegades faction.

    21.44% (181.00)
  • Win a multiplayer game as the Guardians faction against at least one human player.

    26.41% (147.00)
  • Win a skirmish game against two hard AIs with the Renegades faction.

    14.67% (264.00)
  • Complete single player campaign with Renegades faction.

    12.53% (309.00)
  • Complete mission 5 of the Guardians campaign (any difficulty).

    19.86% (195.00)
  • Choose Guardians and ally with Renegade player against other humans.

    11.06% (350.00)
  • Launch 100 nukes across multiple games in any game mode.

    14.00% (277.00)
  • Win a skirmish game against at least one hard AI with the Guardians faction.

    18.62% (208.00)
  • Build seven Satellite Uplinks and fire the Orbital Cannon

    17.16% (226.00)
  • Win a skirmish or multiplayer game vs. 5 hard AIs.

    10.84% (358.00)
  • Complete Renegade campaign with 2 stars in each mission.

    7.90% (491.00)
  • Complete mission 10 of the Guardians campaign (any difficulty).

    13.32% (291.00)
  • Kill 1,000 infantry with Scorch units in any game mode.

    15.01% (258.00)
  • Complete Renegade campaign with 3 stars in each mission.

    7.67% (505.00)
  • Win a skirmish game against two hard AIs with the Guardians faction.

    13.54% (286.00)
  • Complete the single-player campaign with the Guardians faction (any difficulty).

    9.48% (409.00)
  • Complete the Guardian campaign with 2 stars in each mission.

    7.45% (520.00)
  • Complete cooperative campaign with Renegades faction.

    8.13% (477.00)
  • Complete the Guardian campaign with 3 stars in each mission.

    7.11% (545.00)
  • Complete the Guardians campaign with every mission set to hard.

    7.00% (554.00)
  • Complete Renegade Co-Op campaign with 2 stars in each mission.

    7.00% (554.00)
  • Complete Renegade Co-Op campaign with 3 stars in each mission.

    7.00% (554.00)
  • Squish 5,000 infantry in multiple games in any game mode.

    6.66% (582.00)