• 6,116 Trophies Earned
  • 311 Players Tracked
  • 39 Total Trophies
  • 2,689 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,350 Points
  • 88 Platinum Club
  • 88 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Acquire all Trophies.

    28.30% (116.00)
  • Clear Aleste. (Continues / Quick Load allowed.)

    54.98% (60.00)
  • Clear Power Strike II on Rank5 WILD difficulty. (Continues / Quick Load allowed; Debug Mode and Dynamic Difficulty not allowed.)

    31.51% (104.00)
  • Clear GG Aleste on SPECIAL difficulty. (Continues / Quick Load allowed; Dynamic Difficulty not allowed.)

    37.62% (87.00)
  • Clear GG Aleste II on MANIA difficulty. (Continues / Quick Load allowed; Dynamic Difficulty not allowed.)

    34.73% (94.00)
  • Clear GG Aleste 3 on SPECIAL difficulty. (Continues / Quick Load allowed; Dynamic Difficulty not allowed.)

    34.08% (96.00)
  • Clear Power Strike II. (Continues / Quick Load allowed; Debug Mode not allowed.)

    44.05% (74.00)
  • Clear GG Aleste. (Continues / Quick Load allowed.)

    61.41% (53.00)
  • Clear GG Aleste II. (Continues / Quick Load allowed.)

    53.38% (61.00)
  • Clear GG Aleste 3. (Continues / Quick Load allowed.)

    52.09% (63.00)
  • Defeat Aleste ROUND 1 boss within 10 seconds.

    45.98% (71.00)
  • In GG Aleste, achieve a PERFECT in the bonus area in ROUND 6.

    49.84% (66.00)
  • In GG Aleste II, clear the bonus stage after STAGE 4 with 76 HITs and without a MISS.

    29.26% (112.00)
  • In Aleste, have both normal and special weapon levels maxed out, with weapon No.1 equipped. (Dynamic Difficulty not allowed.)

    46.95% (70.00)
  • In Power Strike II, have both normal and special weapon levels maxed out, with one or more blue Spin Shields equipped. (Debug Mode and Dynamic Difficulty not allowed.)

    38.59% (85.00)
  • In GG Aleste, have both normal and special weapon levels maxed out. (Dynamic Difficulty not allowed.)

    56.27% (58.00)
  • In GG Aleste II, have both normal and special weapon levels maxed out. (Dynamic Difficulty not allowed.)

    66.88% (49.00)
  • In GG Aleste 3, have both normal and special weapon levels maxed out. (Dynamic Difficulty not allowed.)

    56.59% (58.00)
  • See the reward screen in Power Strike II by opening the in-game OPTION screen immediately after clearing the game.

    36.33% (90.00)
  • Discover Randar in Power Strike II STAGE 3. (Debug Mode not allowed.)

    56.59% (58.00)
  • Discover the Alice Emblem (1UP) in GG Aleste II.

    59.49% (55.00)
  • In Power Strike II, press and hold the Shot button until the Super Burst is fully charged. (Debug Mode not allowed.)

    75.88% (43.00)
  • Play Aleste ROUND 0 by selecting CONTINUE after clearing all stages.

    42.44% (77.00)
  • In Power Strike II, start the game from any of the stages other than STAGE 1 by selecting it from the in-game OPTION screen (Debug Mode has to be turned on in the Mode Details to enable stage select.)

    39.55% (83.00)
  • In Power Strike II, start the game in Rank0 COMFORT difficulty. (Debug Mode and Dynamic Difficulty not allowed.)

    37.62% (87.00)
  • Use the Quick Load function in any of the games.

    64.31% (51.00)
  • Clear any of the Aleste Challenges for Aleste.

    56.27% (58.00)
  • Clear any of the Aleste Challenges for Power Strike II.

    48.55% (67.00)
  • Clear any of the Aleste Challenges for GG Aleste.

    51.45% (64.00)
  • Clear any of the Aleste Challenges for GG Aleste II.

    50.80% (64.00)
  • Clear any of the Aleste Challenges for GG Aleste 3.

    56.27% (58.00)
  • In Power Strike II, pause the game using the native pause function, then repeat pressing up and then left three times to go back to the game’s Main Menu screen.

    45.34% (72.00)
  • In Aleste, press and hold the Special Weapon button while weapon No.2 is equipped, until it is fully charged.

    60.45% (54.00)
  • Play Aleste with any of the options in the Mode Details changed from its default setting.

    65.59% (50.00)
  • Play Power Strike II with any of the options in the Mode Details changed from its default setting.

    53.70% (61.00)
  • Play GG Aleste with any of the options in the Mode Details changed from its default setting.

    54.02% (61.00)
  • Play GG Aleste II with any of the options in the Mode Details changed from its default setting.

    54.02% (61.00)
  • Play GG Aleste 3 with any of the options in the Mode Details changed from its default setting.

    59.81% (55.00)
  • In Power Strike II, destroy an enemy by charging into it while you are invincible. (Debug Mode not allowed.)

    75.56% (43.00)