• 1,235 Achievements Earned
  • 182 Players Tracked
  • 34 Total Achievements
  • 11,349 Obtainable EXP
  • 5 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Throw 20 objects out of the labirynth

    9.34% (355.00)
  • Throw 100 apples

    10.44% (318.00)
  • Throw each type of object in the game

    6.04% (549.00)
  • Completed Starship

    99.45% (33.00)
  • Completed Desert

    33.52% (99.00)
  • Completed City

    17.03% (195.00)
  • Complete the desert mine hallucination

    68.68% (48.00)
  • Complete the desert hallucination

    35.71% (93.00)
  • Complete the pump station hallucination

    25.27% (131.00)
  • Complete the greenhouse hallucination

    18.68% (178.00)
  • Get lost in the labirynth for more than 10 minutes

    4.95% (670.00)
  • Passed an upside-down gravity ramp looking down the whole way

    4.40% (754.00)
  • Climb on top of the walls of the desert maze

    13.74% (241.00)
  • Grow big 33 times

    6.04% (549.00)
  • Shrink 33 times

    8.24% (403.00)
  • Find all audio logs

    13.19% (252.00)
  • Find every audio log left behind by the citizens

    6.04% (549.00)
  • Hit the target in the desert level at first try

    15.38% (216.00)
  • Find all the cards

    4.40% (754.00)
  • Answer incorrectly to 6 riddles

    7.14% (465.00)
  • Answer correctly to all of Hatter's riddles

    19.78% (168.00)
  • Find the victim of Hatter's scatterbrainedness

    18.13% (183.00)
  • Cross the sea of Tears on foot

    5.49% (604.00)
  • Meet the CAT

    91.76% (36.00)
  • Spare the CAT

    16.48% (201.00)
  • Save the Colony

    6.04% (549.00)
  • Cog

    Complete your mission

    12.64% (262.00)
  • Force the Hatter into hibernation

    12.64% (262.00)
  • Spare the Hatter

    8.79% (377.00)
  • Drive the dune buggy for 10 km

    8.24% (403.00)
  • Finish the game without ever using the buggy's 2nd gear

    6.59% (503.00)
  • Carry 6600 units of graphene

    5.49% (604.00)
  • Solve the Planetarium puzzle after the hints show up

    46.70% (71.00)
  • Solve the gravity ramps puzzle

    12.09% (274.00)