• 148,950 Trophies Earned
  • 6,755 Players Tracked
  • 22 Total Trophies
  • 44 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,350 Points
  • 6,496 Platinum Club
  • 6,379 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Get all trophies

    96.17% (2.00)
  • Destroy 10 drones

    100.00% (2.00)
  • Destroy 3 bug-bots

    100.00% (2.00)
  • Destroy 2 metal worms

    100.00% (2.00)
  • Destroy 2 vessels

    100.00% (2.00)
  • Destroy 3 tripods

    100.00% (2.00)
  • Reach 5000 score points

    100.00% (2.00)
  • Reach 5500score points

    100.00% (2.00)
  • Reach 6000score points

    100.00% (2.00)
  • Reach 6500 score points

    99.99% (2.00)
  • Reach 7000 score points

    99.84% (2.00)
  • Reach 7500 score points

    99.63% (2.00)
  • Reach 8000 score points

    99.36% (2.00)
  • Reach 8500 score points

    99.08% (2.00)
  • Run a distance of 1400 m.

    100.00% (2.00)
  • Run a distance of 4200 m.

    100.00% (2.00)
  • Destroy 30 drones

    100.00% (2.00)
  • Destroy 5 bug-bots

    100.00% (2.00)
  • Destroy 4 metal worms

    100.00% (2.00)
  • Destroy 5 vessels

    100.00% (2.00)
  • Destroy 5 tripods

    100.00% (2.00)
  • Destroy the black king

    96.46% (2.00)