• 8,316 Trophies Earned
  • 497 Players Tracked
  • 17 Total Trophies
  • 51 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,320 Points
  • 485 Platinum Club
  • 483 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Good job! Completed all tasks!

    97.59% (3.00)
  • Collect all photo cards.

    97.59% (3.00)
  • Get the Adventurer photo card.

    97.59% (3.00)
  • Get the Coward photo card.

    99.60% (3.00)
  • Get the Detective photo card.

    100.00% (3.00)
  • Get the Far Space photo card.

    99.40% (3.00)
  • Get the Hard Worker photo card.

    98.59% (3.00)
  • Get the Hopscotch photo card.

    97.59% (3.00)
  • Get the Imperfect photo card.

    98.99% (3.00)
  • Get the Kangaroo photo card.

    99.80% (3.00)
  • Get the Lazybones photo card.

    97.59% (3.00)
  • Get the Purposeful photo card.

    97.99% (3.00)
  • Get the Student photo card.

    97.99% (3.00)
  • Get the Stumble photo card.

    98.19% (3.00)
  • Get the Weakling photo card.

    97.59% (3.00)
  • Get the Welcome Back photo card.

    98.39% (3.00)
  • Get the Winner photo card.

    98.79% (3.00)