• 38,291 Trophies Earned
  • 8,791 Players Tracked
  • 17 Total Trophies
  • 14,791 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,290 Points
  • 251 Platinum Club
  • 250 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Collect all other trophies.

    2.86% (2257.00)
  • Complete a song in any mode.

    100.00% (65.00)
  • Restore a broken streak using Cleanse or Flow.

    64.57% (100.00)
  • Clear two consecutive sequences on opposite sides.

    79.83% (81.00)
  • Clear two consecutive sequences and use Eject, Disrupt, or Cleanse against an opponent in between.

    9.90% (652.00)
  • Score 4000+ on a song as a team.

    3.55% (1819.00)
  • Get 100% Sequences Cleared on a song.

    38.61% (167.00)
  • Keep your streak and earn 100+ points through Disrupt.

    3.46% (1866.00)
  • Get a triple gold bar rating on three different songs.

    9.33% (692.00)
  • Complete Dalatecht on any difficulty in Campaign mode.

    45.82% (141.00)
  • Complete a full 15-song Campaign on Intermediate difficulty or above.

    22.26% (290.00)
  • Unlock all songs.

    19.62% (329.00)
  • Get more than 45000 points on the overall leaderboard.

    13.21% (489.00)
  • Complete a song in FreQ mode on Super difficulty.

    4.56% (1416.00)
  • Get a triple bar rating on all songs.

    11.08% (583.00)
  • Complete a 15-song campaign on Expert difficulty or above without failing, retrying, or quitting.

    3.50% (1845.00)
  • Complete all songs on Super difficulty.

    3.23% (1999.00)