• 124,261 Trophies Earned
  • 12,427 Players Tracked
  • 21 Total Trophies
  • 2,572 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,350 Points
  • 3,665 Platinum Club
  • 3,660 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Earn all other trophies!

    29.52% (181.00)
  • Find the Dragonfly that appears in battle!

    56.47% (95.00)
  • Find the Scorpion that appears in battle!

    96.42% (3.00)
  • Find the Mosquito that appears in battle!

    44.95% (119.00)
  • Find the Stingray that appears in battle!

    72.99% (73.00)
  • Find the Galboss that appears in battle!

    54.61% (98.00)
  • Find the Blue Spaceship that appears in battle!

    40.61% (132.00)
  • Form a Dual Fighter!

    80.53% (3.00)
  • Shoot down a red captured Fighter!

    70.76% (75.00)
  • Escape from a Boss Galaga's tractor beam!

    50.25% (106.00)
  • Get a 70% or higher hit rate on Stage 10 or above!

    40.43% (132.00)
  • Get a Perfect Bonus on the Stage 11 Challenging Stage!

    30.89% (173.00)
  • Get a Perfect Bonus on the Stage 15 Challenging Stage!

    32.79% (163.00)
  • Get a Perfect Bonus on the Stage 19 Challenging Stage!

    30.80% (173.00)
  • Get a Perfect Bonus on the Stage 23 Challenging Stage!

    29.89% (179.00)
  • Get a Perfect Bonus on the Stage 27 Challenging Stage!

    29.87% (179.00)
  • Get a Perfect Bonus on the Stage 31 Challenging Stage!

    29.58% (181.00)
  • Without forming a Dual Fighter, get a Perfect Bonus on a certain Challenging Stage!

    30.86% (173.00)
  • Reach Stage 10 and view the stage emblem!

    61.12% (87.00)
  • Reach Stage 20 and view the stage emblem!

    44.94% (119.00)
  • Reach Stage 30 and view the stage emblem!

    41.63% (128.00)